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Partially Disabled: What To Know About Workers' Comp And Partial Disabilities

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If you’ve been hurt at work, you are very likely covered by workers’ comp benefits. This valuable perk ensures that no medical expenses related to the accident come from your pocket and even allows you paid time to stay home and recuperate. There are several levels of workers’ comp coverage, and one of them is partially disabled. Read on to gain a better understanding of what this means and how to qualify for it.…

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Accident Claim Ignored by the Defendant's Insurer? Here's What You Should Know Now

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If you were in a terrible auto accident and filed an accident claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, you may expect the insurance company to settle your claim quickly and without too many issues. But if the insurer refuses to acknowledge or even look at your claim, you may not know what to do or who to turn to for help. One of the most important things you might do now is hire a personal-injury attorney to represent your case.…

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Refute, Rebuttal And Redirect: How Your Criminal Defense Attorney Uses These Tactics

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Most people who have not studied criminal law do not understand how a criminal trial actually works. When they are the ones who stand accused, they believe the system will clear them. The truth is, it is only the skills of a good lawyer who can clear them, and only if the lawyer is really good at using refute, rebuttal, and redirect tactics. Here are the three R’s of legal defense, what they mean and how they are used to get you your freedom back.…

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Reasons to Renegotiate Your Visitation Agreement

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If you’ve just hammered out your first visitation agreement after a custody battle and divorce, you might be thinking that things are done and dusted. But they are not: life goes on, and people and situations change. Some situations are almost guaranteed to come up, so it may be a good idea to start thinking about how you’d handle something like what you will do if your child wants to change the schedule or if someone moves away.…

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3 Tips For Adopting Your Niece Or Nephew

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While many people adopt children who are not biologically related to them, there are situations where an aunt or uncle adopts their niece or nephew. Adoption within a family can be a great thing, but it can also have unique challenges. If you are interested in adopting your niece or nephew, use the following tips: Make Sure Both Parents are Willing to Terminate Their Parental Rights There are many situations that may cause a parent to realize that he or she is not able to properly care for a child.…

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3 Facts You Should Know About Your Rights To Grandparent Visitation In California

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If you are a grandparent and you would like to have guaranteed visitation with one or more of your grandchildren under the age of 18 in the state of California, it is important to know that you may be able to ask the courts to order that you be allowed to do so. Fortunately, California is one of the more liberal states in regards to grandparent visitation. Therefore, it is important for you to be aware of the following facts that could impact you.…

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4 Ways A Lawyer Can Help The Victim Of A Collision

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Are you depressed because you had to stop working after getting injured in a collision? If you are now stuck with no income and a lot of medical needs, the best thing to do is contact a lawyer to get compensated by the other party. You should be able to receive enough money for your needs as long as you have sufficient evidence and you were not in the wrong. Below, you will discover how services from an accident lawyer can work out in your favor.…

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Got Hurt While Trespassing. What Can I Do Now?

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So, you found it impossible to stay off the property of another? You knew it was wrong but decided to do it anyway. Perhaps you were using their swimming pool, taking a dip on a hot summer night. Maybe you slept in their house while they were on a long vacation. It is even possible that you took a shortcut through their property on the way to work or school. For whatever the reason, you have trespassed.…

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Why Should You File Your Divorce Paperwork First?

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Obtaining and filing your divorce paperwork first can sometimes be advantageous for you. One advantage is that you get a sense of moving forward out of a bad situation. The advantages extend beyond that into legal benefits. If you are unsure whether or not you should file first or wait for your spouse to file, here are some benefits you can get from filing first.  You Have Time to Collect Important Documents…

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3 Kinds Of Insurance To Protect Your Business

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Whatever business you’re in, you should consider your needs for insurance coverage. Here’s a rundown of the various insurance policies available to help protect your business against loss and damage or injury claims. Worker’s Compensation Insurance Although some may not think of worker’s compensation as being insurance, it most definitely is. It’s compulsory in almost every state for every business with at least one employee, and is state-regulated. Worker’s compensation covers statutory claims made by employees against injuries and illness at work.…

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