Knowledge Is Power

Can You Beat A DUI Charge If The Police Don't Read You Your Rights?

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When you’re arrested for DUI, the police may or may not read you your Miranda rights. What happens if they don’t? Can you beat the charge? What Are Your Miranda Rights? Your Miranda rights are the warnings you hear the police read in every TV show when they arrest someone. They include the right to remain silent, the fact that anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, your right to have an attorney present, and your right to have an attorney appointed if you can’t afford one.…

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Is Your Claim A Personal Injury Or Workers' Compensation Case?

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The work of an injury attorney can seem a lot like that of one who handles workers’ compensation cases. If you’ve been hurt, particularly at work, you may wonder what the difference is between the two fields of law. Let’s look at what four of the differences are. Paying into the System One of the main reasons there is a workers compensation system is to ensure a fairly common source of accidents, work, is covered in the majority of instances without needing lots of lawsuits.…

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Can You Get Custody If Your Child's Other Parent Is An Alcoholic?

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When custody of your child is concerned, you are right to have a lot of questions about your child’s future. It is important that you consider the different options for custody, especially if you worry that your child may not be in a safe position with the other parent. If your child’s other parent is an alcoholic, you may have a lot of concerns. Alcohol abuse is a serious issue, and it is normal for you to have concerns.…

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