Knowledge Is Power

What To Do When You Have A Work-Related Repeated Stress Injury

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A repeated stress injury in the workplace can be a frustrating and painful experience. Approaching your employer and getting the care you need adds to the stress of this injury. Here are some steps for dealing with a developing repeated stress injury.  Acknowledge Your Injury The first step is to diagnose your repeated stress injury. These are common for typists and they can come with hand, finger, wrist, or arm pain that is severe.…

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Can You Collect Social Security Disability And Workers' Comp Benefits At The Same Time?

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You likely know that a workplace injury can call for workers’ comp benefits, but if your injury turns out to be permanent, you may be wondering if you can collect both Social Security disability (SSD) and workers’ comp at the same time. The quick answer to that question is “yes,” but read below for more details. Social Security Disability SSD and workers’ comp are very different programs and qualifying for one does not mean you’ll qualify for the other.…

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Partially Disabled: What To Know About Workers' Comp And Partial Disabilities

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If you’ve been hurt at work, you are very likely covered by workers’ comp benefits. This valuable perk ensures that no medical expenses related to the accident come from your pocket and even allows you paid time to stay home and recuperate. There are several levels of workers’ comp coverage, and one of them is partially disabled. Read on to gain a better understanding of what this means and how to qualify for it.…

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