Knowledge Is Power

Should You Testify In Court for Your Criminal Case?

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When you face criminal charges, you can often settle the issue by accepting a plea bargain. If you choose not to accept the agreement, you will go through a trial to resolve the matter. One question many defendants have when facing their criminal trials is whether to take the stand or not. Should you testify in court for your case? You should ask a criminal lawyer for advice before you decide, and here are several things to know about this decision.…

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The Consequences Of Getting One Too Many Speeding Tickets

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Getting one speeding ticket every few years will not cause a lot of adverse effects in your life, but getting one too many tickets might result in consequences. If you already have a few tickets on your record when you get another one, it might be helpful for you to talk to a speeding ticket lawyer. A lawyer can advise you and help you determine how to proceed. If you can fight the ticket, you can avoid the following consequences that occur when people incur too many speeding tickets.…

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What Happens If A Defendant In An Injury Case Isn't Insured?

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When a personal injury attorney files a claim, the process usually involves dealing with an insurance company. The personal injury lawyer sends the defendant and their insurance carrier a notice stating what the case is about and why the client feels they deserve compensation. You may wonder, though, what happens if the defendant isn’t insured. Worse, what if they can’t afford to pay?  Let’s take a look at how a personal injury lawyer might elect to handle that situation.…

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