If you have sustained a spinal cord injury from a traffic accident, then you need to contact an attorney as soon as possible. You may have already seen a doctor, or even visited an emergency room, but you still need to see an attorney. The following are three important reasons for this.
To help get you the treatment you need and the compensation
Anytime your back injury has limited your movement to the point where you can’t do some of the things that used to be able to do, you need an attorney with experience in spinal cord injury cases.…
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Sometimes insurers will give you a hard time before issuing you a settlement for your claim. If your case is legitimate, but the insurer is dragging their feet, you should consider hiring a lawyer to help you manage your files. With their expertise, you can assess your situation to determine how to proceed with the case and get compensation. Consider these scenarios that could lead to an insurer denying your settlement and ways to handle it.…
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If you are awaiting a decision by the Social Security Administration (SSA) on an application for benefits, you might receive a letter about having a consultative exam (CE) performed. Those who apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) may be asked to complete these exams. This exam does not mean that you are not getting your benefits approved but you should take the request seriously. Read on for what to do and know about the CE.…
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