Knowledge Is Power

Asked To Complete An SSA Consultative Exam? What To Know

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If you are awaiting a decision by the Social Security Administration (SSA) on an application for benefits, you might receive a letter about having a consultative exam (CE) performed. Those who apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) may be asked to complete these exams. This exam does not mean that you are not getting your benefits approved but you should take the request seriously. Read on for what to do and know about the CE.…

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When Is It Ideal To Contact An Accident Attorney After A Crash?

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Car crashes come with devastating aftermaths. You can be emotionally and physically traumatized, not to mention the numerous injuries you’ll likely suffer from. Additionally, you could be struggling to piece together the occurrence of events and seeking medical help. During this time, insurers could also call and ask you to record statements. It’s advisable to have an accident attorney by your side to minimize errors and ensure you obtain a suitable reward.…

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Situations That May Make You Consider Filing A Car Wreck Case In Court

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If you sustain severe injuries in a collision, one of your top priorities should be concentrating on your recovery. And settling your compensation claim out of court will enable you to concentrate on treatment. But that might only happen if all the responsible parties are willing to negotiate in good faith. However, negotiations might get complicated if you cannot agree on who is at fault, the compensation amount, or when other issues arise.…

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