Knowledge Is Power

Avoiding Car Chases And A Lot Of Civil Liabilities

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The facts surrounding the recent, tragic auto accident involving Bruce Jenner are not entirely known. A picture is being painted that indicates the decision by paparazzi (photographers) to chase Jenner contributed to the accident that killed a woman. The event sheds light on the possibility that a third-party giving chase could cause other cars to crash into one another. Chasing a car under almost any circumstances is dangerous and doing so could open someone up for civil liabilities.…

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How To React When A Medical Malpractice Causes You Injury

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How you react after experiencing a medical malpractice is very important. It may determine not only how fast you get medical remedy, but also your chances of getting a settlement later on. Here are some of the essential steps you should take: Contact the Responsible Professional The first step is to contact the medical professional responsible for your injury. If you don’t know the individual, just contact the practice where you treated.…

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Three Elements That May Be Used To Convict You Of False Imprisonment

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False imprisonment is a crime in which you are accused of forcibly holding someone against his or her will. Since there are situations in which it may be legal to detain someone, the court will not just take your accuser’s word for it. There are elements of the charge that the prosecution will have to prove. For example, the prosecution will have to prove that you detained the defendant: Intentionally  …

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