Knowledge Is Power

Recovering from Loss through Knowledge—Questions for Your Wrongful Death Lawyer

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Losing a loved one unexpectedly can be one of the most difficult challenges that any individual or family has to face. It’s even more heartbreaking when it feels as though the loss was preventable or inappropriately caused by the actions of another. In those times, it’s important that you have a strong advocate to fight for your rights. Your wrongful death attorney can be that advocate. Before the fight begins, however, it’s crucial that you have a full understanding of the proceedings and what will be expected of you.…

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4 Reasons You Should Hire An Employment Attorney

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Employment attorneys are individuals who are responsible for protecting the rights of employees. There may come a time when you need to hire an employment attorney yourself. An employment attorney is going to help you protect yourself against harassment and other issues that do not adhere to your rights as a working American citizen. Here are four specific reasons you should consider hiring an employment attorney: You Were Not Hired for a Job You Are Qualified For: You don’t always have to hire an employment attorney because you were not hired for a job that you were qualified for.…

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Two Questions About Child Custody Matters Answered

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Having children can be one of the greatest accomplishments in a person’s life. Unfortunately, it is fairly common for individuals to make the mistake of being with the wrong person, which can ultimately end in the need to file for divorce. Sadly, custody issues can be an ongoing point of contention between divorced spouses, and if you have found yourself facing a difficult custody situation, you might benefit from having the following couple of questions about custody and child support disputes addressed.…

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