Knowledge Is Power

No Evidence: Can You Still Be Convicted Of Child Abuse Or Sexual Assault?

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If you have been charged with a crime of a sexual nature, you may believe that since there is little or no tangible evidence, the chances of being convicted are not very high. The truth is, conviction probabilities vary in different situations, and knowing how to approach each circumstance will help you through your trial. Child Molestation Child sexual abuse is a crime treated second only to murder in the judicial system and requires little or no physical evidence for a conviction.…

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Important Tips To Help You Determine If Divorce Is Right For You

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Getting divorced is never a decision you should make without carefully thinking the entire situation through. A divorce cannot only have a lot of negative emotional impact on you, but it could also leave you in a tough financial position, too. This doesn’t mean that you should stay married strictly to avoid money problems, but you should at least meet with a divorce lawyer to discuss your situation before making your decision.…

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Tips For Finding Hidden Marital Assets During Divorce

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If you are divorcing and believe that your spouse is hiding assets from you and the court, you have tools available to you to help find those assets. Without a clear picture of your spouse’s finances, you cannot possibly reach a settlement regarding the fair division of your assets and debts. Here is some information you need to know. Are You The Out-Spouse? If you are the out-spouse, finding all of your spouse’s assets is possible, but it might be trickier.…

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