The Internet has made people feel as if they are capable of doing just about everything themselves. They feel they are qualified to do anything after reading a few articles and watching a video or two on something. There are people who think they are Internet doctors, Internet veterinarians, and Internet attorneys. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, you don’t want to become one of those ‘Internet attorneys,’ or you will likely find yourself on the losing end of a lawsuit.…
Are you getting remarried? During this exciting time, it’s important not to overlook the practical necessities of starting a new chapter in your life. Whatever your future plans hold, both future spouses do well to acknowledge that they are different persons with a different history this time around. And one of the best ways to find success in your new marriage is to create a solid prenuptial agreement that will minimize conflict and worry.…
A slip-and-fall accident is always a surprise, and serious injuries can occur when one happens. If you are involved in a slip-and-fall accident at a commercial or retail location, you may have recourse if your accident was due to negligence. Negligence on behalf of a store or commercial location can involve not cleaning up liquid on the floor promptly, neglecting to put out a wet floor sign when the floors are being cleaned, or failing to repair flooring that is damaged.…