Knowledge Is Power

Factors To Consider When Selecting a Commercial Litigation Lawyer

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Many new business owners have never hired a commercial litigation lawyer before. But as you go into business for yourself, you may be looking to hire one. A commercial litigation lawyer can help you write a business plan, file trademarks and patents, create legally binding partnership agreements, review documents to buy an existing business, apply for permits for your business, or any other number of legal needs your business may have.…

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Navigating An SEC Investigation

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Since brokerages are often responsible for making financial decision on behalf of their clients, managing trades and stock exchanges in an ethical manner is important. Any suspected violations to the rules and regulations that govern the securities sector could result in the launching of an SEC investigation. Receiving notice that your brokerage is under SEC investigation can be frightening, but understanding how the process works will allow you to better protect your rights during the course of the investigation.…

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Should You Have A Will Or A Revocable Trust?

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These two estate planning instruments represent two different takes when it comes to making plans to deal with your assets after death. Wills have been around for ages, and are considered to be at the front and center of any plans for disposing of an estate. Revocable trusts, on the other hand, are relative newcomers when compared to the will. Read on to find out more. What to understand about wills and probate…

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