Knowledge Is Power

Accident Claim Ignored by the Defendant's Insurer? Here's What You Should Know Now

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If you were in a terrible auto accident and filed an accident claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, you may expect the insurance company to settle your claim quickly and without too many issues. But if the insurer refuses to acknowledge or even look at your claim, you may not know what to do or who to turn to for help. One of the most important things you might do now is hire a personal-injury attorney to represent your case.…

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Refute, Rebuttal And Redirect: How Your Criminal Defense Attorney Uses These Tactics

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Most people who have not studied criminal law do not understand how a criminal trial actually works. When they are the ones who stand accused, they believe the system will clear them. The truth is, it is only the skills of a good lawyer who can clear them, and only if the lawyer is really good at using refute, rebuttal, and redirect tactics. Here are the three R’s of legal defense, what they mean and how they are used to get you your freedom back.…

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Reasons to Renegotiate Your Visitation Agreement

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If you’ve just hammered out your first visitation agreement after a custody battle and divorce, you might be thinking that things are done and dusted. But they are not: life goes on, and people and situations change. Some situations are almost guaranteed to come up, so it may be a good idea to start thinking about how you’d handle something like what you will do if your child wants to change the schedule or if someone moves away.…

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