Knowledge Is Power

Two Little-Known Ways To Make More Money From The Sale Of Your Home

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When it’s time to sell your home, you probably have at least a few mixed feelings. Putting your property up for sale can be an extremely difficult decision, and you want to be sure that you are getting top dollar for your home. Here are two ways that you can be sure to get more money when selling your house. Consult a Real Estate Attorney Before you even put your home up for sale, be sure to consult a real estate attorney for insights and advice on the smartest steps to get the most money from the equity in your home.…

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Tips On Convincing The Court To Let You Move With A Child In Your Custody

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When you get custody of your child after divorce, it doesn’t mean that you are free to go with the child wherever you please. The restriction on travel is to allow the other parent to maintain contact with the child too. However, there are situations where the court may allow you to move with the child. Here are four things you may need to prove to make this happen: The Move is Necessary…

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3 Steps Involved In Civil Litigation

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Dealing with civil litigation can be a challenging time. However, if you’ve been involved in a dispute with another person,you may need to file a lawsuit. It’s important to know the steps that are involved during this process to assist you in having legal success. Step #1: File the Complaint The first thing you should do is meet with an attorney and explain your case. This will allow your lawyer to determine the strength of your case and assist you with listing the allegations you should file against the defendant.…

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