Knowledge Is Power

Can I Sue For Wrongful Death?

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Wrongful death lawsuits are not simply available to provide compensation to someone who is suffering from a loss, but also serve a vital role of acting as a deterrent to the defendant for negligent behavior. How the Wrongful Death Lawsuit Works Wrongful death claims follow a similar process to personal injury claims. The plaintiff will need to demonstrate that the defendant had a duty of care. Then, the defendant will need to be shown to have breached that duty of care.…

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Discover The Benefits Of A Living Will

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When many people think of estate planning, they tend to think of the wealthy. This is because many individuals do not view their modest means as constituting an estate. However, the truth is, everyone has an estate that must be managed, even if the monetary value of their assets is virtually nonexistent. This is because your estate not only covers your assets, but your debts, your financial decisions, and your medical care as well.…

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What You Should Do Before Filing For Divorce

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The end of your marriage is a very emotional and stressful time, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared. If you have already come to terms with your marriage ending, then it is time to think smart and prepare for divorce before you actually file. Don’t forget to do the following things before you officially file for divorce. Get Your Finances in Order One of the first things you should do before filing for divorce is figure out where you are financially.…

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