Knowledge Is Power

Conflict Management When Splitting Assets In A Divorce

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Perhaps one of the most challenging parts of a divorce is arranging the logistics of who gets what. It will require you to have some ongoing contact with your ex spouse, which can be painful as you’re attempting to navigate a good settlement for yourself. Here are some tips on how to reduce the amount of conflict when splitting assets in a divorce. Set Boundaries First of all, you will want to set some boundaries for discussion with your ex spouse when you need to speak with them about legal arrangements.…

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Overexposure: When Potential Juror Bias Makes a Change in Venue Possible

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What happens when almost everybody in your local area has heard about your case, watched details of it unfold in the news, seen online videos of the defendant at the crime scene, and heard the matter discussed pretty much everywhere they went for months? It seems like getting a fair trial could be next to impossible to achieve without some drastic intervention—usually a change in venue, or location, of the trial.…

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It's A Community: Debts And Assets In Divorce

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If you are divorcing, you likely already know that there are specific rules about how your marital debt and assets are divided. In fact, the state you live in when you divorce has a great deal of influence on how these issues are treated. Debts and assets are handled differently in equitable distribution states than they are in community property states, and the majority of states now use the equitable distribution model.…

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