Knowledge Is Power

Want A Divorce? Make Sure You Understand The Steps

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Do you feel like you want to ask your spouse for a divorce? If so, you may not be sure what happens after you make the request. The divorce process is not something that happens quickly, and you’ll likely need a lawyer to help sort out all of the legal matters involved. Here is what you can expect to happen when getting divorced. The Petition You’ll start the process by filing a formal divorce petition.…

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So, You've Decided To Get A Divorce. What Happens Next?

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You probably feel like you’ve already tried everything else. Fighting with your spouse didn’t get you anywhere. Talking didn’t either. Counseling – with or without your spouse’s participation – didn’t change the fact that you’re simply in an unhappy marriage. Ultimately, you make the decision that it’s time to get a divorce. So, what happens next? Divorce is actually a complicated legal process that happens in stages, not just a single event.…

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The Legal Basics Of A Sexual Harassment Case

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Sexual harassment is an issue that has come into significant focus in recent years. If you believe you were a victim, there are several issues a sexual harassment attorney will need to discuss with you. Let’s take a look at how a lawyer might encourage you to handle a case. The Process Matters In most workplaces, there are processes in place to protect the company, the accused, and you from the situation spiraling out of control.…

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