Knowledge Is Power

Your Social Media Posts Can Increase The Penalties For A DUI

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If you’re convicted of a DUI offense (or have pled guilty), watch what you post on your social media accounts both before and after you are sentenced. Here’s why: Your social media posts can be used to increase your sentence. There’s often a period of time before sentencing during which a presentence investigation report is done. This investigation looks into your life, character, and background to determine if there are any mitigating factors that should make the court go lighter on you.…

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4 Reasons You Should Hire A Social Security Attorney When Applying For Disability Benefits

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In theory, applying for disability benefits from the Social Security Administration sounds easy and straightforward, but in reality it can be quite difficult to get approved for disability benefits. If you have an acute or chronic condition that prevents you from working, receiving benefits can be a necessary financial safety net for you and your family. While you may think that you can tackle the process of applying for disability yourself, hiring an experienced Social Security attorney can greatly increase your likelihood of being approved for disability benefits.…

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Don't Let Your Child's Schooling Interfere with Your Custody Battle

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Child custody negotiations and hearings are complicated things. Your attempts to get custody of your children may be jeopardized by seemingly innocent gestures. For example, enrolling your children in school isn’t a straightforward affair. Here are some school-related measures to preserve your chances of getting custody. Don’t Change the School before a Formal Agreement Divorce is between parents, and the effect that is there on children only occurs because it cannot be helped.…

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